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ONE PRODUCTION is a company dealing with film production, live performances and ADV.

Founded in 2012 by Annamaria Onetti.

I have been consulting producers in the cinematographic and audiovisual fields for several years

Regional founds, Tax Credit and cinema funds in general.


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Mi occupo da diversi anni di consulenza ai produttori in ambito cinematografico e di audiovisivo 

sia per Bandi regionali che Tax Credit e PRCA.

In questo calendario puoi fissare un incontro conoscitivo online

The cinema activity started with the promotion of the film “Diaries” directed by Attilio Azzola, winner of "Grand Prix Ecrans Juniors" at 2008 Cannes Festival.


> creative advice

> development and production support

> event organization

> creative direction

> production's coordination

> service audio and video


It has been distinguished also for the organization of the "International Dance Days" in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan.

Two other shortfilms have been produced:

“Papà devo dirti una cosa” by Massimo Sbaraccani, a comedy about diversity and homosexuality and “Insula” by Eric Alexander, a social project about diabetes (2nd Prize as Best Film and Best Actresses at XXII Fano International Film Festival; screenplay winner of "Premio UCARE per il Cinema 2009").

 “Milano Underground” by Giovanni Esposito a television format, a crossmedia project set in Milan Underground.

ONE PRODUCTION organised in collaboration with the Cultural  Association ArtedanzaE20 some important dance events as: "Premio Giovane Danza d'Autore", "Festival Exister", "Festa del Teatro", "Giornate della danza".

ONE PRODUCTION’s production line is characterised by a constant attention to the authors and to the projects with cultural and social engagement.

This choice also influences the development process which is driven in a continuous interaction with the subjects involved from a creative point of view, with the aim of realizing art products which can be placed in the market and therefore not enslaving the projects to a commercial logic.


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